Thursday, 2 September 2010

Cloch Point - Gourock

Finally we are off. We crossed the start line at Cloch point at 1319 GMT today. Iain then promptly caught seven mackerel that have made a great meal. Now we are becalmed off the island of Bute waiting for some wind to take us down to the North Channel.
After a year so far that has been full of difficult times and if it could go wrong it did it is good to be back at sea. If you can’t do something right then sometimes you just need to do something good. Life is always full of challenges but this year has presented me with the most I have had in one go. The hardest has been emotional pain but I believe the sea to be a great healer so here we go and I hope this trip is a watershed from what has gone before.
Many people would ask why you go to sea for so long and the simple truth for me is that I can’t think of anything better I would rather do than to sail my boat and this feels like home to be at sea again. As for the hardship, it seems harder to do the same thing day after day making the same mistakes and waiting for something to happen. It seems clear that you have to make things happen if you ever want to get anything done.
As for the boat, I have never seen so much food on a boat. I am sure we have enough to get to the Caribbean let alone around Britain. It has been so nice for us get messages of encouragement from people so let’s hope we can see some of you for a beer when we get back. That of course seems a long way from here and doubtless a lot weather to go through.
Best wishes to all of you who read this and a special hello to our readers in the UAE.

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